5 Common HVAC Mistakes
February 9

5 Common HVAC Mistakes

During this winter we want our Fredericksburg community to avoid issues with their heating and cooling system before it’s too late. Sometimes trying to save… View Article Read More

How to Take Care of Your Home This Winter
January 31

How to Take Care of Your Home This Winter

The snow has already visited the Fredericksburg area a couple of times in the last few weeks. And all we want to do is stay… View Article Read More

Beware of Space Heaters
January 19

Beware of Space Heaters

We are halfway through January, and we already had our first snow in the Fredericksburg area. This is the time for cozy coats and warm… View Article Read More

How to Save Energy During the Holidays
November 30

How to Save Energy During the Holidays

If you celebrate holidays during December, they are a very exciting time! Hanging lights, exchanging gifts, eating great foods, seeing family and friends, the list… View Article Read More

Using Electric Blankets Safely
November 18

Using Electric Blankets Safely

It’s no secret, during the Winter, our heating bills usually rise. So, we try to find ways to keep them down and save some energy…. View Article Read More

How to Help Keep Your Home Warm During the Winter
October 31

How to Help Keep Your Home Warm During the Winter

Although Virginia has had a relatively warm Fall this year, Winter is on the horizon. We are a month and half out from the official… View Article Read More

How to Prepare Your Home for Cold Weather
October 20

How to Prepare Your Home for Cold Weather

So far, we’ve had a pretty warm Fall season in the Fredericksburg area. But, with Winter on our horizon, temperatures are sure to change. Not… View Article Read More

Space Heater Safety
September 30

Space Heater Safety

With the cooler temperatures rolling in, it will soon be time to switch our systems from air conditioning to heating. But, sometimes your central heating… View Article Read More

Our Fall HVAC Maintenance Checklist
September 20

Our Fall HVAC Maintenance Checklist

Fall begins in two days, which means it’s time for Virginia homeowners to take a look at their seasonal maintenance checklists. Easier said than done,… View Article Read More

How to Prepare Your Air Conditioning System in the Event of a Hurricane
August 31

How to Prepare Your Air Conditioning System in the Event of a Hurricane

We are in the swing of hurricane season in Virginia! Experts are predicting a normal to average hurricane season this year, which means that homeowners… View Article Read More