As the weather turns colder in our region, the outdoor humidity level is kind of like the value of that new car right after you drove it off the dealers’ lot. It just took a brutal nosedive!
We need to be conscious of the low levels of indoor moisture and how it will affect the comfort, health, and safety of our homes, ourselves, and our family members!
Woodwork, like tongue & groove flooring and trim-work, will shrink and crack, causing severe damage in some cases. Dangerous sewer gases can also enter your home through infrequently used plumbing fixtures and drains. The physical health of you and your family can be compromised by this sudden lack of moisture in the air that you breathe. See this article from Medical News Today regarding medical findings.
Re-commissioning your Whole House Humidifier may be the least expensive thing you do this season to protect your assets and the health of your loved ones. Who needs those costly trips to the outpatient clinic and pharmacy?
To schedule an appointment to re-commission and service your Whole House Humidifier, call Complete Heating and Cooling or your favorite local HVAC Service provider. It might be the greatest amount of prevention for the least amount of money you spend this season!