Summer is in full force in Fredericksburg and by now you have probably noticed that your energy bill is way higher. This is the time where you start looking for ways to save money on your bill by reducing energy use. While you may find ways to reduce your AC use, the truth is that during a hot summer like this one, you will most likely be using your AC a lot.

So how do you reduce energy use? A common tip that you will find online is the one telling you that you should keep your AC running all day. They suggest that you can increase the temperature when you’re not home and lower it back down when you are back home. The explanation provided is that if you turn it off, your AC has to work extra hard to cool your home but not as hard if you just lower it down.

Leaving your AC running all day is wasteful. It’s wasteful for your pocket and for the environment. The air conditioner will run more efficiently when it’s working at full speed rather than working at short periods of time to maintain a constant temperature. The full speed will also work better in dehumidifying your home.

In addition, leaving it running all day will put more wear on your system which will result in more bills in the long run. We suggest you turn on your AC when you need it and turning it off when you leave home. You will see a decrease in your energy bill. Think of it this way: running your AC for an hour can cost you a little over $2.

For a more efficient way to use your AC, you can upgrade to a programmable thermostat. If you are having issues with your AC system give Complete Heating and Cooling a call! You do not want to be without AC this summer, so contact us today!

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