Hello Fredericksburg readers! Spring is less than three weeks away, and we hope to actually get some spring-like weather. But with the change of season also comes responsibility. Aside from making sure that your A/C is in good condition and ready to go for whenever the temperature rises, you also have to worry about bugs that are everywhere during springtime.
Pests can cause huge issues for your HVAC system, but luckily we have a few tips for protecting your system against pests.
Cover vents and flue pipes: Get flue covers for your furnace’s flue pipes. Uncovered flue pipes are an easy spot where bugs can enter. Also, if your home happens to have fresh air intake or other exterior vents, you could also be in big trouble. You will need to get covers for those too.
Keep AC condenser clean: Critters could certainly visit your exterior air conditioner condensers. So what can you do? To avoid having your condenser scratched or urinated on, try to keep it clean and away from vegetation. For extra help, you can try using a pest repellant.
Seal up your ducts: What better place for pests than your ducts? Your duct openings are the prime spot for vermin and critters of all shapes and sizes. Avoid having to deal with an invasion by having your ducts sealed.
Bugs and critters can really damage your HVAC system, so avoid the damage and the bills by following the tips mentioned above. And don’t forget to schedule a spring tune-up with Complete Heating and Cooling. All you have to do is give us a call today or send us a message through our Contact page.
Do you want more tips and interesting reads? Check out our three latest blog posts: 5 Warning Signs that Your Furnace Needs to be Replaced, How to Save Money on Heating Costs Without Freezing and 5 Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality.