Welcome back to our blog! We hope you are having a fun, cool, and relaxing summer. August is a popular time for family summer vacations and you might be thinking of leaving Fredericksburg for a couple of weeks for a little getaway. If that’s the case, we want to give you a few tips to keep in mind as you prepare for summer vacation.

If your whole family is going on vacation and no one else aside from pets will be home, we suggest you keep your AC on. If your pets are staying home, you can leave the AC at 80 degrees. To keep the home a bit cooler, just keep the shades closed. If you don’t have pets, we suggest you still keep your AC on (just turn it up to about 85 degrees) because you don’t want stagnant air to cause damage to your home’s drywall, wallpaper, or wood. Turning your AC off for a week or more can also cause damage to your houseplants or artwork. If your home becomes humid during that period, the excess humidity can lead to mildew growth.

But if you are not planning a summer vacation, and your winter vacation is still months away we still recommend leaving your home warm. If you leave pets at home 65 degrees is a comfortable temperature. If there are no pets, then you can get away with 50 degrees. Keeping your home warm during your vacation will help in avoiding frozen water pipes.

You can save money turning off your AC or heat while you are on vacation, but you want to keep in mind that your home or items in your home can be damaged if the temperature gets too hot or too cold.

If you want to schedule a tune-up before you leave for your relaxing vacation, give Complete Heating and Cooling a call! We will take a look at your system and make sure that everything is running smoothly.

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